February 18, 2019 – the day that was chosen to be one of the most interactive and exciting parts of the month-long INSTAT 21st Anniversary celebration. The fun started with a 30-minute boodle fight of around 60 faculty members, students, and administrative staff. This was followed by a contest called INSTAT Family Feud among groups or families consisting of one faculty member and two to three students. Contest questions came from a survey of 100 UPLB students-respondents. Game participants should guess the most commonly-picked answer of these respondents. Initially, the elimination round consisted of 15 families. After the average round, it went down to a duel between two families. Professor Joyce Grajo, together with her teammates Alea Paula Hinojosa, John Jerwin Evardone and Carlo Tumbay, won the cash prize in this fun-filled contest.
Although many hearts were broken after being beaten in INSTAT Family Feud, the hopes of some Institute members were still up before the INSTAT Got Talent. The Institute was very fortunate to have Dr. Mark Oliver S. Llangco from DSS, Prof. Miyah D. Queliste from ICS, and Mr. Cesar Maligalig as part of the board of judges, along with Dr. Liza N. Comia , INSTAT Director. The talent show was participated by 5 soloists and 1 girl group. Nonetheless, the trophy was given to Ms. Daryl Boncodin, a junior BS Statistics student, using an OPM masterpiece.
That day ended with the institute’s traditional Mr. and Ms. Stat Majors which was started in 2013. Every batch sent one to two representatives and together, as one batch, they helped and supported their representatives with their make-up and formal wear. The judges selected Mr. Sang Il Ryu of Batch 2015 and Paula Mae Castillo of Batch 18 to be this year’s “Mr. and Ms. Stat Major”, respectively. The institute also recognized the academic performance of some students who became University Scholars, College Scholars, and Honor Rolls of past semesters before announcing the winners of the pageant.