News & Updates
A center of excellence in Statistics
providing the leadership in statistical education,
research, training, and technical consultancy
Academic Programs
Crunching data?
Do you need a statistical consultant?
Consult the experts!
The INSTAT Statistical Consulting Group offers a multitude of services related to statistical advice on surveys and experiments, and statistical analysis. We cater to undergraduate and graduate students from public and private educational institutions, commercial institutions, and government and non-government offices.

Free Statistical Consulting Services
Other relevant details and the registration form can be accessed at: https://bit.ly/FCS_OCT2024
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Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the UPLB BS Statistics Program
To register, scan the QR code or visit https://bit.ly/UPLBstatistics50
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35th National Statistics Month
The UPLB CAS Institute of Statistics joins the nation in the celebration of the 35th National Statistics Month, with the theme “Advancing Data and Statistics Through Digital Transformation: A Road to an Empowered Nation.”
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